Our Story

Rooftop Bees Team

Bees are Mother Nature's most precious story tellers. They're also the world's most important insect; pollinating 71 of the top 100 food crops that feed 90% of the world. For centuries, there has been a symbiotic relationship between bees and humans. Not just for honey, but for their incredible healing power. 


We are first generation beekeepers and we run a conscious impact-focused business. We seek to benefit humans, organisations, bees and the environment through our work.

Being the custodian of bees is a great honour. There are so many powerful lessons we can learn from bees. Our mission is to share the wonder and magic of bees with as many people and organisations as possible.

Bees keep us grounded. Bees strengthen a community's connection to nature. Bees highlight bigger sustainability and environmental issues and challenges. Bees are the catalyst for change.


"we're not saving the bees, the bees are saving us" (anonymous).